ILT LED Awning Illuminator

ILT Awning Illuminator

ILT LED Awning Illuminator

Part Number: ILT LED Awning Illuminator


  • Low Power Consumption
  • Low Profile, only 0.5" Tall
  • 5 Year Awning Illuminator Warranty
  • Designed for Awning Illumination & Awning Retrofits
  • High Output - Up to 510 Lumens Per Foot
  • All Awning Illuminator Fixtures Manufactured in USA
  • UL Recognized in US and Canada


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ILR Awning IlluminatorInternational Light Technologies has provided innovative design and engineering solutions for LED lighting applications for 50 years.

Let us provide you the quality, performance and cost-effective LED solutions you require.


  • Canopy Illumination
  • External Sign Illumination
  • Lineal Lighting Fixture
  • Architectural Lighting









Part No.


Color Temp. (K)




Life (Hours)


Potted Version
ILT-AI-P-12-W65 Awning Illuminator, 13.4" 6500 510 24V 5.25 50,000 90
ILT-AI-P-48-W65 Awning Illuminator, 44.4" 6500 2040 24V 22.2 50,000 90
ILT-AI-P-72-W65 Awning Illuminator, 70.65" 6500 3060 24V 31.5 50,000 90
Sealed Version
ILT12-AID-W30 Awning Illuminator, 13.4" 3000 425 24V 5.25 50,000 85
ILT12-AID-W35 Awning Illuminator, 13.4" 3500 425 24V 5.25 50,000 85
ILT12-AID-W40 Awning Illuminator, 13.4" 4000 425 24V 5.25 50,000 85
ILT12-AID-W50 Awning Illuminator, 13.4" 5000 500 24V 5.25 50,000 85
Sealed Version
ILT48-AID-W30 Awning Illuminator, 44.4" 3000 1714 24V 22.2 50,000 85
ILT48-AID-W35 Awning Illuminator, 44.4" 3500 1714 24V 22.2 50,000 85
ILT48-AID-W40 Awning Illuminator, 44.4" 4000 1714 24V 22.2 50,000 85
ILT48-AID-W50 Awning Illuminator, 44.4" 5000 2000 24V 22.2 50,000 85
Sealed Version
ILT70-AID-W30 Awning Illuminator, 70.65" 3000 2541 24V 31.3 50,000 85
ILT70-AID-W35 Awning Illuminator, 70.65" 3500 2541 24V 31.3 50,000 85
ILT70-AID-W40 Awning Illuminator, 70.65" 4000 2541 24V 31.3 50,000 85
ILT70-AID-W50 Awning Illuminator, 70.65" 5000 3000 24V 31.3 50,000 85


Mechanical Drawing

Awning illuminator extrusion drawing